Work produced – Week 3

This week, we were given the task to go out and record sounds which sound like/represent certain themes. These themes were Rhythm, Nature, Technology, Education and Creativity. I uploaded my sounds to Soundcloud and will post them below.

This was simply created by clapping rhythmically. There is a lot of ambient sound in this recording as I recorded it in the LRC, a very busy location- I didn’t mind this so much as you can still hear the clapping clearly.

To create this sound, we went outside and rustled some leaves in our hands. A flaw in this is that at the beginning, you can vaguely hear the beeping of a reversing vehicle. Next time, if a problem like this occurs, I will wait until all vehicles and other loud, contrasting noises are out of earshot and record again.


To create this sound, we simply used one of our phones ringtones (the distinctive new iPhone ringtone), as this portrays new technology.

To demonstrate “Education”, we used the sound of keys typing on a keyboard. As all of our work in lesson is done on a computer, we thought this was relevant as it represents our education.

Lastly, for “Creativity” we used the sound of scribbling pencils on paper, which I thought represented art.

The last three recordings were set in the LRC (a busy location with a lot of constant background noise) but you were able to hear the sounds I intended to record clearly over the ambient sound.

Blog Post Part 2

We also looked at the Interactive Media platform this week – we researched the advantages and disadvantages of certain social media websites and looked at which ones would be best to use for making professional accounts for posting our work/projects on.


Facebook would be an incredibly useful site to use to share my work and update people on my progress- as its such a highly populated website (approximately 900 million users), and I have a lot of friends and contacts on Facebook, more people will view my updates. I can make a Facebook page purely for my work so anyone interested can view the page and be informed as to what I’m doing.As for creating status updates, there is no word limit or photo limit so I can write as much as I like in one post, unlike sites such as Twitter which has an 140 character limit per update.



 Twitter is incredibly useful for sharing work on, thanks to the use of hashtags. Hashtags help with getting your tweets and your work out to the public, so getting noticed on Twitter is easy once you know the correct hashtags to use. 232 million users are said to be on Twitter (approximately) and although not as many people use Twitter as Facebook, the chances of someone noticing your updates and finding them interesting enough to follow you are still very high. This being said, most celebrities nowadays use Twitter on a daily basis to interact with others, so there is always the possibility of somebody famous noticing your work, giving you feedback and maybe even promoting you.

The one disadvantage of Twitter is the character limit. Per Tweet, you can only post 140 characters, which limits updates. What many people do is split their Tweets into multiple updates, but this can sometimes look confusing and messy to those viewing the Tweets.


Snapchat would be a good app to use for showing “behind the scenes” videos and photos. Snapchat focuses on the visuals instead of being mostly text based, like Facebook and Twitter are. Although Snapchat is one of the most used apps at the moment, it has its disadvantages if you want to use it for professional reasons.

The updates you post publicly to Snapchat only last for 24 hours- they then get deleted. Also, Snaps you send privately to others get deleted as soon as they are viewed- a major flaw if someone wants to view your images or videos multiple times/come back to them at a later date. Although I would use Snapchat to update others on my filming progress, it wouldn’t be my main focus.


I will be using YouTube to upload my finished videos and projects onto and then sharing from YouTube to other sites (such as Facebook and Twitter). YouTube is the most popular video sharing website in the world, and with the right tagging and sharing of my videos, I can get them noticed. One benefit of YouTube is that if videos get a certain number of views, the creators/uploaders will begin to get paid (not a lot at first, though).

Copyright is very important on YouTube, and if (e.g.) a song is used on a video that has been copyrighted by the creators, there is a risk of getting your video either muted or taken down from YouTube- ways to prevent this are using your own songs or changing the songs pitch or tempo.

I can create a YouTube channel that is dedicated to my film work so I can link it to my Facebook pages and Twitter pages so people following me on any of these can get direct links to my finished work once uploaded.

Work produced – Week 3

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