Feedback and reflections – Week 4

This week, we conducted more interviews in teams. I enjoyed this task because I am thinking of conducting interviews as part of my Winter project and this gave me a chance to gain more experience with recording and filming interviews. We switched group roles with every interview we filmed so I got the chance to be an interviewee, director and also learnt more about using cameras and zoom mic’s which is useful for if I do decide to go forward with the interview idea.

Also, we created professional Twitter accounts to broadcast our work and update others on our filming progress. We created the hashtag #ccfilmsquad so we can get our work and tweets noticed. I also followed some popular, verified and professional film accounts, such as IMDB, Film London and Film Slate Magazine. By following and tweeting these accounts, there’s a possibility we could get recognition (and possibly comments) for our work.

Feedback and reflections – Week 4

One thought on “Feedback and reflections – Week 4

    Hannah, you are missing quite a number of posts. We have spoken about this in class. It is vital that you keep on top of what work is required to be produced each week, otherwise you will find yourself in the situation you are fancying now… work still to be produced as you move forward to production weeks for Project 2. I do hope you are working on catching up during this SDSW.

    We will be working on reflective writing in class next week, as it is a very specific skill, that is necessary for the FMP after Easter.

    If you have worked on the blogs over SDSW please let me know so I can try to look at them again.



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