Problems and solutions – Week 4

This week, whilst filming and recording our interviews, there were a few problems that we came across. Firstly, we had to choose a suitable location- at the time we wanted to film, everywhere seemed to be busy or overcrowded so we had to find somewhere that was relatively quiet so there would be no unwanted ambient sound. After searching for a while, we decided to look in the sports hall for a quiet spot to film in- thankfully, we managed to find somewhere secluded that was ideal to record in and was the perfect solution to our problem.

The second problem that occurred for me this week was the fact that I wanted to gain more followers on my professional college Twitter account and wasn’t sure how. I decided that the way to gain more followers/recognition on Twitter was to keep following more accounts and interact with them by tweeting them or retweeting their tweets. I learnt that if I did this with smaller Twitter accounts (ones with not much of a following) they would be more likely to notice me- this worked and I gained more followers in the duration of two days, proving my solution to be very effective.

Problems and solutions – Week 4

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