Work produced – Week 5

This week, we learnt about camera movement and the significance of movement in scenes. We watched a clip from “Amelie” and analysed the movement of the character in the particular scene. We looked at the way the camera followed them as they ran and the shots that were used. The scene didn’t rely on dialogue to tell the story, it relied heavily on the movement. The scene included a lot of action and high anticipation as the protagonist was constantly moving throughout the scene. We learnt that movement in film can come in different forms- the movement of the actual characters, movement in the background and movement caused by editing in post production.

We also looked at a scene from “Run Lola Run” and there were a number of interesting and significant movements and camera angles included in the scene, mainly focusing on the movement of the main protagonist.


The two main points I found most interesting in this scene were the first shot and the shot at 2:53. The first shot followed the main character as she entered the building- this showed that she is a significant character and the one we need to be focusing on. The shot at 2:53 is of the ball rolling round the wheel accompanied by the sound of the character’s piercing scream- these two together (the sound and the on screen movement) create anticipation and tension.

After an in depth session learning about this, we then went out and created our own short videos that show our understanding of camera movements. I will post this here once I have finished editing it.

Discussion about storyboards – storyboards are used to organise your idea – when creating storyboards, you must include other crew members such as cameraman, director, sound man, lighting etc. Also remember to include the technical names of all shots required.


Work produced – Week 5

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