1.1 – Analyse

Analyse the requirements of a creative media production project


Task 1 – Style/Form/Genre/Aesthetics

What style?

I have decided I want to create a music video with a realistic yet exciting storyline.

What form?

I have decided on a music video as I have always been interested in music videos and I’ve always loved the way music can change the entire atmosphere of a scene or a video so I wanted to experiment with this myself.

What genre will your project be?

I’ve decided on an action/drama orientated video including elements such as a chase and dramatic body language to exaggerate the particular genres and make them clear to the audience.


I want the video to be quite dark in terms of colours to add to the dramatic atmosphere of the video. Although I want to film outside, natural lighting may not give me the outcome I want but I can change the brightness and colour in the editing process in post production.


Task 2 – Technology, equipment relevant to the project and chosen media / Skills/Techniques relevant to the project and chosen media

For my project I have decided that apart from the basic DSLR and Zoom mic, I don’t want to use anything extra as I feel that I don’t need anything else too technical (e.g. Steadicam). I already own a DSLR which I am able to bring in and film with, and I plan on hiring out a Zoom from college. In case this particular part of equipment I need isn’t available to me on the day I begin filming, I have thought ahead. I have researched Zoom mics, where to buy them and how much they generally cost. I found out that prices online generally range from around £69-£200. I found a good mic for £69.99 which I am able to buy just in case I am not able to hire one out from college.

I am not using any certain techniques (e.g. slow motion, timelapse) as I want to keep my project very simple and I’m confident I can get away with creating a good video without using anything too technical. The only thing I want to do in terms of editing is darken the general tone of my video (as previously stated) but I know this will be easy to do on Avid as I have done it before.


Task 3 – Audiences (target audience)

The song I am creating the video for is Ten Tonne Skeleton by Royal Blood, so I am aiming my video towards fans of both this band and also people who are generally into rock and alternative music. I’m also going to aim my video towards anyone who is into the action genre as that is what my video will mostly consist of- elements of action. I discovered last year that the general age range of people who watch and enjoy action films is 15-35, so I think that it will be mostly young people watching my video.

Archetype: Lewis is an 18 year old film fanatic and especially enjoys the Marvel franchise and most Keanu Reeves films. His favourite music genre is alternative and he plays bass, guitar and drums.


Amazon (1996) Zoom H1 handheld recorder. Available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Zoom-H1MB-H1-Handheld-Recorder/dp/B0144JHW4E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463497512&sr=8-1&keywords=zoom+mic (Accessed: 21 June 2016).


Project management

  • Location recce



Canterbury High Street


Ramsgate Beach

  • Risk assessment


– Will have to make sure we aren’t in anyone’s way, especially in busier areas e.g. the high street

-Beach hazards such as the tide being far in (I will check tide times for the day I’m filming) and potentially being in the way of others again (film in a more secluded part of the beach)

-There is also a risk of the equipment being damaged on the beach (sand getting into the camera, accidentally getting it wet). Fortunately, I own a camera cover which I will make sure to bring with me.

  • Proposal


Music video including a story about one person’s paranoid and fretful journey.

  • Synopsis


A story about someone who thinks they are being followed on their journey but in actuality is just being paranoid- the other person is not following them at all.

  • Treatment


My video starts with a close-up of the main character’s face to show their emotion- distressed, slightly on edge. The camera follows the character on their journey with the use of cuts and a lot of close-ups. Occasionally the camera will cut to the second character who is walking behind the main character the whole time. The main character does a lot of turning round fretfully to see if they are still being “followed” and then begins to speed up (start running) more and more towards the end of the video as the tension gets higher and the anticipation rises.

  • Script


There is no actual script required for my project as there is no spoken dialogue included- the only audio I will have in my project will be the music.

  • Production schedule




·         Budget

The only concern I have in terms of spending money is travel- I am going to have three other people with me helping me film and part of my video includes travelling from Canterbury to Ramsgate and then back to Canterbury- this will cost each person £5.50 as we will be travelling off peak (so it’s cheaper). Overall for the four of us that would come to £22 but each person has said they would be happy to pay £5.50 for travel.

My actors would be able to wear their own clothes (no costumes required) and I don’t need to buy anything extra for this video as it’s focusing on just the people and locations. So I’m setting my budget at £40 overall- so we have an extra £18 in case of emergencies.

·         Equipment checklist

-DSLR x 1

-Zoom mic x 1

·         Legal requirements

Although I am filming in Canterbury High Street, I won’t be filming in the general Whitefriars area so I’ll be filming in  a public space with no permission needed.

I wanted to film in the train station and on the train but I realised that students are not legally allowed to film there for free and the fee is quite pricey (not something I can afford right now) so I decided that where my character was actually going to be getting on a train, I’m going to now imply that they got on the train (film them walking into the station from the outside, getting out their train ticket etc.) This way all my filming will still be fine to do and I won’t be breaking any rules.


Working with a client

What is most important when working with a client?

I think the most important aspect of working with a client is listening to them and making sure you meet their needs. Once they tell you what they want, it is important to make sure you do exactly what they want in order to meet their expectations and not let them down.

Why listen to what they say?

Listening to what they say is important so you know exactly what they want and how to achieve it. If you miss out a crucial part of what they want, you may end up letting them down and not achieving the final product- which will not look good on you (and you don’t want to let them down if they are paying you either).

Why produce what they want?

If a client is paying you to work for them then you will need to produce what they want, or you won’t get paid. Also, no one else will want to hire you if you get a reputation of not being reliable and letting down your clients. Also, once you have successfully produced what they have asked you to produce, it will be incredibly rewarding, both for you and your clients.

Why be professional?

You won’t be taken seriously if you are not professional, and also will not gain a good reputation. Professionalism is key in the media industry (or indeed any industry) in order to get your work done well and please your clients.

Why do we need technical skills to work with a client?

Technical skills show you know what you are doing, especially in the media industry (where you obviously need technical skills anyway). If you know a lot about technological equipment or technology in general, clients will trust you to do a good and professional job for them.

Why do we need communication skills to work with a client?

Communication is absolutely vital in terms of working with clients. You need to constantly be able to contact them or have them able to contact you just in case of any issues with the producing, or any changes with the work that need to be discussed. If you cannot be in contact with your clients, you are not much use- communication is key as without it, you wouldn’t know what they want you to do for them.

Why do we need time management skills to work with a client?

Time management skills are also very important- if a client needs something done by a particular time or date, you must have it done by then, or else you will not be seen as a reliable worker. You will let your clients down massively if you fail to keep to a time frame or are not good with time management.

Why do we need diplomatic skills to work with a client?

You need to be tactful when dealing with clients. If you want to suggest a change to their idea, you must suggest it in a way that is professional and polite- do not be rude to your clients or tell them you dislike their idea, or you won’t get a good reputation and will come across as impolite and won’t be seen as someone who is good to work with.

What type of client do you think would commission you to produce the product you have chosen to produce for your FMP… Why?

The type of client I think would be interested in me producing my product would be someone working in the music industry. My final product is a music video, so I would think that either a band/music artist or any kind of content creator in the music industry would commission me to my produce my product.


Reflective writing

I found this blog slightly hard to do as it involved a lot of research and planning and took a long time to do. All in all, it was incredibly helpful and I have learnt a lot from doing all this research, such as all the pre production that needs to go into planning a production. I enjoyed planning my project as now I have a clear idea on what I am doing.


1.1 – Analyse

One thought on “1.1 – Analyse

  1. Feedback by Jenni Blackman – Week 4 1.1. 15.5.16
    Hannah, I hope it is the case that you have done all of this work, but that you just haven’t posted it! Let’s have a look at this next week.


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