Problems and solutions – Week 6

This week, whilst recording audio for our Lifted project, there were a few problems that occurred.

Firstly, we had to watch the video (Disney Pixar’s Lifted) and note down every single sound we needed to replicate, which was a challenge on its own as there were many different sounds we would need to record in order to complete this task. I had to watch the video over again at least four times to make sure I hadn’t missed anything out. I’m glad I took the time to watch the video multiple times so I knew exactly what sounds I had to create.

As I spoke about in my previous post, ambient noise was also a problem when recording. Most of my sounds were easy to record, but for a few of my required pieces of audio I needed to go outside to record. With this, came unwanted traffic noise and wind noise but thankfully there was a simple solution for this- Audacity!

I was able to use Audacity to edit some of my sounds so the background noise was non-existent. Audacity was a problem in itself for me at first as I was a little unsure on how to use it but once I got the hang of it I was able to use it effectively.

Another issue I came into contact with was syncing my audio in Avid to match the correct timings in the video. This took me a long time and was quite a frustrating task as I knew what to do, but generally found it tedious and difficult. The simple solution was just to concentrate and keep working at it with no distractions (which I managed to achieve).


Problems and solutions – Week 6

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