Feedback and reflections – Week 6

This week, we had more practice with both recording sound using zoom mics, and Avid. Although I do feel completely comfortable with sound recording now (I’ve had a lot of useful practice during our practical sessions this year) Avid is still a program I struggle with using. Although I am beginning to understand it more and more with each editing session, I’m still not completely comfortable using it, and I find myself needing to ask for help whenever I use it.

This week we weren’t editing video on Avid though- we were syncing sound to video which in my opinion, was more challenging than editing video as there were so many audio tracks to sync up in such a short duration of actual video. I found this quite difficult but still managed to complete it.

I also enjoyed using Audacity for the first time this week as it is definitely something I will be using more in the future for my next projects- it is an incredibly effective program for editing all kinds of sound (also very simple to use).

I didn’t get feedback on my work this week, although I did receive help on how to sync my sound with the video from Stephen which was very informative and useful.


Feedback and reflections – Week 6

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