Feedback and reflections – Week 7

I enjoyed the practical task we were given this week, I didn’t have a lot of experience or knowledge on lighting so it was very helpful to have this week to practice my lighting skills. I found learning about three point lighting very interesting and informative, and I’m pleased with the photos we (as a group) got. Here is an example of a photo we took when playing with the LED light and a reflector:


We only shone the light on one side of his face (as shown in the picture).

I also learned what gel filters were this week- I had no idea what they were or what their use was before this lesson, and now (after using them) I’ve decided I definitely want to continue using them for future projects as they are actually incredibly useful.

I also enjoyed learning about three point lighting, and the purposes of the key light, fill light and back light. The key light highlights the subject and is the main light used in this system, the fill light is used to fill in and lighten shadows created by the subject and back light illuminates the subject from the back, creating an edge that separates the subject from the background. I found this information very useful and will definitely be remembering this in the future.



Feedback and reflections – Week 7

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